About OFPA
The Oregon Foster Parent Association (OFPA) is a statewide association operating within the foster, relative, and adoptive community in Oregon. Founded in 1996, the organization’s mission is “To improve the quality of the foster care system in Oregon and make Oregon foster homes the best they can be. Allowing each Oregon foster placement to become a home of safety and healing for Oregon’s most vulnerable children“.
Achievements in the last 15 years include:
- Published a Resource Guide for local support groups. Distributed to 50 local groups, board members for training purposes, and sent to seven states other than Oregon.
- Sponsored a statewide conference “Fostering Connections for Children” where almost 400 foster care providers were trained in a variety of subjects related to foster care.
- Initiated a “Toll Free Resource & Referral Line” for foster, adoptive, and relative care parents and support groups with plans for expansion.
- Supported several regional training conferences around the state.
- Provided grants to support foster parents attendance at national training conferences.
- Advocate effectively for foster parents throughout the state, providing peer support and mentoring.
- Sponsored and supported “Camp To Belong”. A yearly camp to reunite siblings who are separated by foster placement or adoption. Visit Camp To Belong NW website.
- Sponsored two Foster Family Camps in collaboration with Camp To Belong & Oregon DHS Child Welfare.
OFPA is funded through memberships, corporate and individual contributions, agency contracts, fundraisers, grants, and money earned through projects. The board of directors serve in a volunteer capacity and act as mentors to thousands of foster, adoptive, and relative care parents in the foster care system.