Fostering is 'the hardest job you'll ever love', but it can be very challenging at times. It's important to know what your rights are as a foster parent or a child or youth in care. Below are several pertinent Bills of Rights for youth, siblings, foster parents and caregivers, and children with mental health issues or who have incarcerated parents.
It is also important to know what recourse you or your child in care has when those rights are ignored, disallowed, or just plain run over. Below, you will also find a copy of the complaint form and how to make that complaint to the Governor's Advocacy Office (as a parent) or to the Foster Care Ombudsman, as a foster youth.
Oregon Foster Parent and Relative Caregiver Bill of Rights
Oregon Foster Children's Bill of Rights
Oregon Foster Children's Sibling Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights of Children of Incarcerated Parents
For Information only: California has adopted a Foster Youth Mental Health Bill of Rights. If you have a youth with Mental Health needs, this Bill of Rights might help you consider all the issues and concerns that may come into play for the individual.
Foster Care Ombudsman – Working within the Governor's Advocacy Office, the Office of the Foster Care Ombudsman is an independent resource to investigate complaints, concerns or violation of rights for children in the custody of Oregon DHS Foster Care... The Ombudsman receives, investigates and helps resolve complaints and concerns from a wide range of people including foster youth, parents, relatives, CASAs, attorneys, social workers and many other interested parties. Youth who have a concern or want to make a complaint can contact the Foster Care Ombudsman at Youth, Empowerment and Safety (Y.E.S) 1-855-840-6036 or email: and talk to them about the issue.
Are you a Foster Parent who wants to make a complaint? Contact the Governor's Advocacy Office at 800-442-5238 or email: You may download a complaint form here.