Training and Education for Foster Caregivers
Some of this training can be done online and some in person. We'll be adding to and updating this list as we learn of more opportunities. Some of the training is free and some is paid. For education hours, it is necessary to keep a record of the date, what you did (webinar, class, etc), and what you got out of it.
Looking for local training? Contact your county training coordinator here. Don't see what you need or want? Remember, foster parents can take training and get credit from any county that has what they need or want.
Adoption Learning Partners Webinars
Alaska Center for Resource Families- Online Training
A Home Within Online Training
CANTASD – Digital Dialogues
Child Welfare Partnership Training
Dr. John DeGarmo Every Day Counts – Citizen Review Board Conference Sessions
Foster Care and Adoptive Community Training
Foster Club Online Training for Foster Parents
Model Court Summits on Child Abuse and Neglect
Through the Eyes of a Child: Juvenile Court Improvement Plan Conference Materials
Swindells Resource Center Recommended Resources – Particularly good for information on special needs
Swindells Resource Center Videos
Foster Parent College
The Open Education Database
Training Videos – many just minutes long
Center on the Developing Child – Harvard University
The Child Trauma Academy Channel
Think:Kids – Re-Thinking Challenging Kids
Trust-Based Relational Intervention – The Karyn Purvis Institute